Online Chinese grammar notes

Asking questions Greetings Verb related sentences Aspects




Noun related sentences Special features Comparatives


Other constructions


Chinese grammar notes on Taught in
Parsing of sentences MT
Asking questions
Interrogative MT
Interrogative MT
Short answers for "yes" and "no MT
Use of interrogative words MT
Interrogatives (choice-types) MT
Review of interrogatives following 好吗 MT
Expressions of greeting
Use of  请 MT
Greeting words MT
Repeated greeting words MT
Use of , MT
Asking ages MT
Telling the time MT
Verb related sentence patterns
Stative verbs MT
as copula MT
Verbs that take 2 objects MT
Serial verbs (after verbs of motion and ) MT
Use of binomial/compound verbs MT
Use of MT
Use of 一下儿 MT
Modal verbs MT
Complement of degree HT
Resultative verb complements HT
Directional verb complements HT
Potential verb complements HT
Co-verbs MT
The use of 离 and 从 HT
The construction HT
Passive with ,, and HT
The notional passive construction HT
Progressive aspect MT
Continuous aspect  MT
Aspect for the completion of actions MT
Experiences of actions in the past MT
Intensifier MT
The use of the adverbial particle  HT
The use of the adverbs and HT
Noun related sentence patterns
Use of as possessive MT
Use of nouns as qualifiers MT
Uses of MT
Formation of plural pronouns MT
Special features in Chinese sentences
Slight-pause mark MT
Use of and MT
Use of 这儿, MT
Use of ... MT
Modal MT
Position of time words MT
Position words MT
Measure words MT
Introduce cardinal numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 MT

Comparatives with stative verbs and complements of degree

Comparatives with 一样 HT
Other sentence constructions    
Conjunctions HT
The ... construction. HT
The ... / construction HT
/ with interrogatives HT