Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
University of Oxford

M.Phil Year 2 Listening Comprehension

Topic 纽约时报:中国政府修建青藏铁路的醉翁之意

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Please answer the following questions

1.  What is the total cost of the construction of the Qing-Zang Railway?

2.  According the official estimate, how much of the costs of cargo transport to Tibet will be reduced after the Qing-Zang Railway is constructed?

3.  Why is it said to be good news for the people of Qinghai and Tibet that the Qing-Zang Railway is constructed and put in use?

4.  From the Chinese government's point view, what is the top function of the Qing-Zang Railway?


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1listen      2listen      3listen      4listen      生词      原文