吸毒 to take drugs
酗xù alcohol abuse
哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
共同 together
成员 member
教育大纲 syllabus
德育课 moral education
副作用 side effect
做出...决定 to make a decision
明智 wise
成熟 mature
责任感 sense of responsibility
承认 to admit
愚蠢chŭn stupid; silly
采取...态度 to hold...attitude
严肃sù serious
to try 尝试chángshì
such as 这样的;那样的
cannabis 大麻
controversial 具有争论性
conflict 冲突
source (of a problem) 根源
retailer 零售商
peer 同龄人
discipline 约束yuēshù
to ban 取缔dì
tobacco 香烟
alcoholic substance 酒类;酒品