MPhil Yr2 Listening 11HT Week 4


Please answer the following questions in English.

1.      What did the survey show? (Answer it in short.)

2.      Compare to those who do not do any sports, how do those who do sports every week feel about their sexual life?

3.      How many percent of the men in the investigation have shown that they do physical exercises two or three times a week?

4.      Can doing physical exercise help men to increase their self-control ability during sex?

5.      According to the scientific explanation in the text, can you summarize why doing physical exercise can improve the quality of sexual life?

[Click here to see the original text]



































































































































































The original text


       人们对参加运动和不参加运动的两组已婚男人做了对比,发现每周进行2次健身、跑步或打网球的男人,所获得的性生活愉悦感比不参加任何健身活动的男性要高。其中,80%经常运动的男性表示,自从进行每周2-3次运动锻炼后,性生活方面的自信心大增,性行为变得更加积极。运动增强腹部、臀部的肌肉弹性,做爱时比以前更加容易使女方达到高潮。由于力量与速度的均衡保持,对自身控制力也大大加强,自身的性快感时间也明显曾长。这对增进夫妻性生活之快感非 常有益。  
