Tutorial and Other Arrangements for Undergraduates Reading Chinese.


All Students


Collections will be held on Friday 11 January 2013 in the Institute for Chinese Studies.  See separate notice.


A Consultative meeting is scheduled for 26th February (7th Week) at 2.30 pm. Anyone with items of business should notify Dr Newby by the end of Friday the previous week.







First Year




Language Tutorials:  See the separate posted timetable of modern Chinese teaching for tutorial arrangements with Ms Hu, and the CTCFL website (follow links to “student diary”)


East Asian Survey Course: 9-10 am Monday to Friday. See schedule circulated by Dr Ditmanson


History and Civilization tutorials: Dr Ditmanson or Dr Newby will be in touch to arrange tutorials.


Year-abroad meeting: a preliminary meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th February at 1pm in the Common Room of the ICS. Everyone must attend (you may bring sandwiches!).




Third Year


Classical Unseens:

Please purchase a copy of the Yangzhou text from Rosanna and begin to prepare the first few lines.


Language Classes and Tutorials:

See the posted timetable on the CTCFL website (follow links to “student diary”).


Options: See timetable for all text/language classes and for Japanese or Korean tutorials contact your teachers in the OI or Dr Lewis.


Dissertations: Please begin to discuss your dissertation topics with potential supervisors.


Modern China: See timetable for lectures. Prof Harrison will contact you to arrange tutorials for this term.


Zhuangzi: As timetabled.



Fourth Year



Literature option: Dr Bevan will be in touch.


Linguistics: Dr Scott will be in touch to arrange tutorials.


Society and Politics: The four final reading sessions will be scheduled for next term.


Japanese: Contact the tutors concerned.


Classical unseens and Zhuangzi: As timetabled.



Please contact your supervisor as soon as possible to report on progress made since last term. Students are reminded that tutors will not accept drafts for reading after the 7th week of term.


Language Classes:  See the posted timetable on the CTCFL website (follow links to “student diary”).  




