候选人 candidate
获胜 to win
历来 always; constantly
干涉 to interfere
得罪 offend; displease
白宫 the White House
例外 exception
初期 early stage
观察家 observer
预言 to predict
议题 focus for discussion
取而代之 to be the replacement (of...)
to react 反应
to pass up 放弃(一次机会)
once-in-a-generation 千载难逢
superpower 超级势力
undeniable 不可否认
Afghanistan 阿富汗
to devour 毁灭
to sneeze 打喷嚏
to sway 影响
to be wary of 小心;谨慎
turmoil 混乱;骚乱