MPhil Yr2 Listening 10MT Week 4


Please answer the following questions:

1.      What was the total amount of the travel agencies in China in 1999? Compared to the amount in 1995, how much percent did it increase from 1995 to 1999?

2.      From 1990 to 1998, how much percent did culture-industry organizations in China grow?

3.      How many historical (heritage) museums were there in China in 2000?

4.      In total, how many museums were there in 2000?

5.      What has changed in terms of museum culture development in China?

[Click here to see the original text]


























































































































































Original Text



    博物馆的数量大幅度增加,仅文物系统的博物馆就由1978年的349所发展到2000年的1397所;若加上其他部门和民间兴办的博物馆, 全国博物馆总数可以达到2000所左右。博物馆的门类日益丰富,办馆主体日益多元化,而且以前博物馆基础相对比较弱的西部12个省区,目前已经拥有各类博物馆 400多所,改变了过去博物馆过多集中在东部和中部大中城市的不平衡局面。