局外人 júwàirén outsider
制裁 zhìcái sanctions
决议 juéyì resolution
授权  shòuquán to authorize, to mandate
排斥 páichì to exclude
援助 yuánzhù aid, assistance; to aid, to assist
辅助工作 fǔzhùgōngzuò support work
边缘化 biānyuánhuà to marginalize
如意算盘 rúyìsuànpán wishful thinking
残余势力 cányúshìlì remnant
袭击 xíjī attacks; to attach
磋商 cuōshāng to negotiate, to discuss
草案 cǎoàn draft (of legislation, proposal, etc)
主权 zhǔquán sovereignty
移交 yíjiāo to hand over, to transfer
明确 míngquè clear and definite