迷惘 mí wǎng to be perplexed, to be at a loss
纠缠 jiū chán to tangle
苍天 cāng tiān firmament
幽冥  yōu míng dark, gloomy
刻骨铭心 kè gǔ míng xīn to be engraved in one's bone and heart
无可奈何 wú kě nài hé helpless, to have no alternative
跛脚 bǒ jiǎo lame
雪莱 xuě lái Shelley
莫斯科 mò sī kē Moscow
疆场 jiāng chǎng battlefield
纳粹 nà cuì Nazis
不屈不挠 bù qū bù náo unyielding, indomitable
苏联 sū lián Soviet Union
折磨 zhé mó torture, to torture
qín to hold in the eyes
空袭 kōng xí air raid (verb)
波斯湾 bō sī wān Persian Gulf
科威特 kē wēi tè  Kuwait
泄漏 xiè lòu leakage, to leak
碾压 niǎn yā to grind and to press