成员国 membership country
刚果 Congo
事务 general affairs
赢得尊重 to win respect
冷战 cold war
发挥作用 to play the role
机构 institution
面临挑战 to meet the challenge
wĕi to defy
无视 to ignore
彻底 thorough
无效 invalid
符合...需要 to accord with the demands
当今世界 today's world
呼吁 to call upon
秘书长 secretary in general
安南 Kofi A. Annan
忧心忡忡chōngchōng heavy hearted
缩小差距 to narrow the gap
珍zhēn视 to value
巩固gŏnggù to consolidate
拆毁chāihuĭ to demolish (disband)
援助yunzhù to aid
倡议chàngyì to advocate
明确 clear
一致的意见 consensus
人道主义 humanitarian
适应...要求 to suit the needs