Third year language assignments for TT 2009

Place the mouse on the letters in the first column to view the topics

Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W 1 “群蛀”现象依然严重 反渎反贪不徇私情 Making and breaking the rules on expenses 中国官员被11个情妇联名告发 Vocab

Corruption in China

W 2 甲型流感确诊病例全球已超千例 死亡26例 北京20名与确诊病例密切接触者至饭店隔离 Swine flu virus peaks in Mexico and US but may return, WHO warns 为什么猪流感在墨西哥格外致命? Vocab

The Threat of Bird Flu

W 3 三分教诲 七分等待 家庭教育中父爱缺失严重 Don't blame social workers for child abuse 80后90后继续吃定父母 Vocab

Generation Gap

W 4

中国面临转型陷阱现象 现代化成功不威胁世界

世界森林"罪恶产业链"调查 中国为谁背黑锅

China vs. Earth: How China is Threatening the World's Environment 中国威胁论:2031年中国将耗尽全球森林资源 Vocab

Threat or Opportunity?

W 5 中国政府的扶贫标准和投资计划依然难以达到国际标准 穷人有钱去旅游吗

More children in Scotland are living in poverty

专家称弱势群体已成中国公平公正的焦点问题 Vocab

Disparity between rich and poor

W 6



South Korean and US troops placed on high alert

朝鲜核试验后连射五枚导弹 Vocab

War and Peace

W 7


吴伯雄"登陆" 两岸关系是否有新突破? Direct China-Taiwan flights begin 中國話惹爭議 Vocab

China-Taiwan Relationship

W 8


多数英人"反对转基因食品" Campaigners against GM food 转基因食品有利又有弊 Vocab

GM Food