Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 12

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises


Visiting a sick friend




A:哎哟,是你们啊!请坐。audio icon
B:听说你病了,王经理让我们来看看你。audio icon
C:要过节了,单位分了点东西,这是你的;大家也给你买了一些水果。audio icon
C:要过节了,单位分了点东西,这是你的;大家也给你买了一些水果。audio icon
B:现在身体怎么样了?audio icon
A:就是有些感冒,前几天家里装了空调,不太适应,这几天吃了药好多了。audio icon
C:你也应该好好休息,病好了再上班。公司的事情王经理会帮你安排的。audio icon
A:好,好。欸,英国的那个代表团来了没有?audio icon
B:来了,他们参观了我们的两个工厂,现在去了上海。audio icon
A:哦,这些水果我都已经洗好了,咱们一边吃一边聊吧。audio icon
C:咱们看病人,不能让病人招待啊!audio icon
B:就是啊!audio icon
A:没事儿,我这感冒不算病。audio icon



A: Eiyō u,shì nǐmen a! Qǐng zuò.audio icon
B: Tīngshuō nǐ bìng le, Wáng Jīnglǐ ràng wǒmen lái kànkan nǐ.audio icon
B: Tīngshuō nǐ bìng le, Wáng Jīnglǐ ràng wǒmen lái kànkan nǐ.audio icon
C: Yào guò jié le, dānwèi fēn le diǎn dōngxi, zhè shì nǐ de; dàjiā yě gěi nǐ mǎi le yì xiē shuǐguǒ.audio icon
B: Xiànzài shēntǐ zěnmeyàng le?audio icon
A: Jiùshì yǒu xiē gǎnmào, qián jǐ tiān jiā lǐ Zhuāng le kōngtiáo, bú tài shìyìng, zhè jǐ tiān chī le yào hǎo duō icon
C: Nǐ yě yīnggāi hǎohāo xiūxi, bìng hǎo le, zài shàngbā icon
A: Hǎo, hǎo. Éi, Yīngguó de nà ge dàibiǎotuán lái le méi yǒu?audio icon
B: Lái le, tāmen cānguān le wǒmen de liǎng ge gōngchǎng, xiànzài qù le Shànghǎ icon
A: Ò, zhè xiē shuǐguǒ wǒ dōu yǐjīng xǐ hǎo le, zánmen yìbiān chī yìbiān liáo icon
C: Zánmen kàn bìngrén, bù néng ràng bìngrén zhāodài a!audio icon
B: Jiù shì a!audio icon
A: Méi shìr, wǒ zhè gǎnmào bú suàn bì icon



A: Ah, it's you! Please sit down. audio icon
B: We heard that you had fallen ill, and Manager Wang asked us to come and see you on everyone's behalf. audio icon
B: We heard that you had fallen ill, and Manager Wang asked us to come and see you on everyone's behalf. audio icon
C: It'll soon be the Festival, so our work unit has distributed some food among the staff. This is your share. We also bought you some fruit. audio icon
B: How are you now? audio icon
A: Just a cold. We installed an air conditioner in the house a few days ago, but we were not used to it. After taking some medicine I feel much better these last few days. audio icon
C: You should also take a good rest, and only come back to work when you're quite better. Manager Wang will help arrange for the work in the company during your absence. audio icon
A: That's good; very good. By the way, has that British delegation come yet? audio icon
B: Yes. They visited two factories of ours, and now they've gone to Shanghai. audio icon
A: Oh, I've washed all this fruit already. Let's eat while we chat. audio icon
C: We're here to visit a patient, and shouldn't let the patient treat us as guests. audio icon
B: Exactly. audio icon
A: It doesn't matter. My cold doesn't count as illness. audio icon
