Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 20

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises



Welcoming a student




A:欸,是新生吧,我来帮你拿行李。audio icon
B:这个我拿得动,谢谢,你帮我提那个吧。audio icon
A:你是哪个系的?audio icon
B:法律系的,你呢?audio icon
A:外语系。法律现在挺好啊,是热门。你看,法律系的大楼就在那边。audio icon
B:那么大呀!audio icon
A:是啊,最大的教室坐得下130多个人呢!audio icon
B:130多个人一起上课,坐在后边的听得清楚吗?audio icon
A:听得清楚,有麦克风。audio icon
B:那么多学生,老师能记得住名字吗?audio icon
A:记不住更好啊,不想上的课就不上了。audio icon
B:不上课!那考试通得过吗?audio icon
A:没问题,你大学都考得上,别的考试你还怕通不过吗?audio icon
B:嗯... ... 那你们外语系也是这么上课吗?audio icon
A:我们没有那么幸运,我们一个班最多才15个人,老师闭着眼睛都知道你在作什么呢。audio icon



A: Éi, shì xīnshēng ba, wǒ lái bāng nǐ ná xí icon
B: Zhè ge wǒ ná de dòng, xièxie, nǐ bāng wǒ tí nà ge icon
A: Nǐ shì nǎ ge xì de?audio icon
B: Fǎlǜ xì de, nǐ ne?audio icon
A: Wàiyǔ xì. Fǎlǜ xiànzài tǐng hǎo a, shì rèmén. Nǐ kàn, Fǎlǜ xì de dà lóu jiù zài nàbiā icon
B: Nàme dà ya!audio icon
A: Shì a, zuì dà de jiàoshì zuò de xià yìbǎi sānshí duō ge rén ne!audio icon
B: Yìbǎi sānshí duō ge rén yìqǐ shàngkè, zuò zài hòubiān de tīng de qīngchu ma?audio icon
A: Tīng de qīngchu, yǒu màikèfē icon
B: Nà me duō xuéshēng, lǎoshī néng jì de zhù míngzì ma?audio icon
A: Jì bu zhù gèng hǎo a, bù xiǎng shàng de kè jiù bú shàng icon
B: Bú shàng kè! Nà kǎoshì tōng de guò ma?audio icon
A: Méi wèntí, nǐ dàxué dōu kǎo de shàng, bié de kǎoshì nǐ hái pà tōng bu guò ma?audio icon
B: N… …nà nǐmen Wàiyǔ xì yě shì zhème shàng kè ma?audio icon
A: Wǒmen méi yǒu nàme xìngyùn, wǒmen yí ge bān zuì duō cái shíwǔ ge rén, lǎoshī bì zhe yǎnjīng dōu zhīdào nǐ zài zuò shénme icon



A: Hey, you're a freshman, aren't you? Let me help with your luggage. audio icon
B: I can manage this one, thanks. Could you help me carry that one? audio icon
A: Which Department are you in? audio icon
B: The Law Department. And you? audio icon
A: The Foreign Languages Department. Law is quite a good subject now, as it's really popular. Look, the Law Department building is just over there. audio icon
B: How large it is! audio icon
A: Yes, the largest classroom can seat more than 130 people! audio icon
B: In a class of over 130 students, can those in the back row hear the teacher clearly? audio icon
A: Yes, there's a microphone. audio icon
B: With so many students, can the teacher remember every student's name, then? audio icon
A: Better if the teacher can't because you don't have to go to classes you don't want to. audio icon
B: Not attend classes! Can you pass the exams, then? audio icon
A: No problem. You can pass the university entrance exam, so why worry about not passing other exams? audio icon
B: H'm... do the students in your Foreign Languages Department take classes like this as well? audio icon
A: We're not so lucky. The largest class of ours has only 15 students in it, and the teacher knows what you're doing even with his eyes closed. audio icon
