Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 4

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice


Asking questions




A:王大朋,你现在忙吗?audio icon
B:不忙,有事儿吗?audio icon
A:我有一个问题,是语法问题,想问问你,你看... icon
B:我的语法不太好,我们一起去问小丁吧,他是我的“语法老师”。audio icon
A:小丁... ... 小丁现在在哪儿?是不是还在食堂呢?audio icon
B:现在几点?audio icon
A:一点半。audio icon
B:他午饭以后常常在阅览室,我们去那儿看一下,好吗?audio icon
A:啊,我不知道他喜欢在阅览室看书。audio icon
B:他不是喜欢在那儿看书,他是喜欢在那儿睡觉。audio icon
A:那我们走吧。audio icon
B:好吧。audio icon



A: Wáng Dàpéng, nǐ xiànzài máng ma?audio icon
B: Bù máng, yǒu shìr ma?audio icon
A: Wǒ yǒu yí ge wèntí, shì yǔfǎ wèntí, xiǎng wènwen nǐ, nǐ kàn… …audio icon
B: Wǒ de yǔfǎ bú tài hǎo, wǒmen yìqǐ qù wèn Xiǎo Dīng ba, tā shì wǒ de “yǔfǎ lǎoshī”.audio icon
A: Xiǎo Dīng … … Xiǎo Dīng xiànzài zài nǎr? Shì bú shì hái zài shítáng ne?audio icon
B: Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?audio icon
A: Yì diǎn bà icon
B: Tā wǔfàn yǐhòu chángcháng zài yuèlǎnshì, wǒmen qù nàr kàn yíxià, hǎo ma?audio icon
A: À, wǒ bù zhīdào tā xǐhuān zài yuèlǎnshì kànshū.audio icon
B: Tā bú shì xǐhuān zài nàr kànshū, tā shì xǐhuān zài nàr shuìjià icon
A: Nà wǒmen zǒu icon
B: Hǎo icon



A. (Hi,) Wang Dapeng, Are you busy at the moment? audio icon
B: No: can I do anything for you? audio icon
A: I've got a question to ask you. It's a grammar question. Look. audio icon
B: My grammar isn't too good. Should we go and ask Xiao Ding? He's my grammar teacher. audio icon
A: Xiao Ding......Where's Xiao Ding now? Is he still in the dining hall? audio icon
B: What time is it? audio icon
A: Half-past one. audio icon
B: He's often in the reading-room after lunch. Shall we go there and have a look? audio icon
A: Oh, I didn't know that he liked reading in the reading-room. audio icon
B: He doesn't like reading there, (but) he likes sleeping there. audio icon
A: Shall we go then? audio icon
B: OK. audio icon
