Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 8

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice


At the barber's




A:师傅,还给理发吗?audio icon
B:你来得太晚了,下班了,明天再来吧。audio icon
A:师傅,都说您理得快,帮个忙,给理一下吧?audio icon
B:今天理得太多了,累了,明天早上再来吧。audio icon
A:可明天早上我有大事儿,您就给理一下吧。audio icon
B:什么大事儿啊?audio icon
A:有人要给我介绍一个对象,明天是第一次见面儿。audio icon
B:看对象啊,那可是一件好事啊,来吧,理个什么样的?audio icon
A:什么样的都可以,别理得太短就行。audio icon
B:小伙子,今年多大了?audio icon
A:28了。audio icon
B:28还没有对象啊?audio icon
A:以前有,她长得可漂亮啦,后来她说我作事作得太慢,吃饭吃得太快,就吹了。audio icon
B:那你可得改一改啊。理完了,看一看。audio icon
A:师傅,您理得真不错,又快又好啊。audio icon
B:理得慢就讨不到老婆了!audio icon



A: Shīfu, hái gěi lǐfà ma?audio icon
B: Nǐ lái de tài wǎn le, xiàbān le, míngtiān zài lái icon
A: Shīfu, dōu shuō nín lǐ de kuài, bāng ge máng, gěi lǐ yíxià ba?audio icon
B: Jīntiān lǐ de tài duō le, lèi le, míngtiān zǎoshàng zài lái icon
A: Kě míngtiān zǎoshàng wǒ yǒu dà shìr, nín jiù gěi lǐ yíxià icon
B: Shénme dà shìr a?audio icon
A: Yǒu rén yào gěi wǒ jièshào yí ge duìxiàng, míngtiān shì dìyī cì jiànmià icon
B: Kàn duìxiàng a, nà kěshì yí jiàn hǎo shì a, lái ba, lǐ ge shénme yàng de?audio icon
A: Shénme yàng de dōu kěyǐ, bié lǐ de tài duǎn jiù xí icon
B: Xiǎo huǒzi, jīnnián duō dà le?audio icon
A: Èrshibā icon
B: Èrshibā hái méi yǒu duìxiàng a?audio icon
A: Yǐqián yǒu, tā zhǎng de kě piàoliang la, hòulái tā shuō wǒ zuòshì zuò de tài màn, chīfàn chī de tài kuài, jiù chuī icon
B: Nà nǐ kě děi gǎi yi gǎi a. Lǐ wán le, kàn yi kà icon
A: Shīfu, nín lǐ de zhēn bú cuò, yòu kuài yòu hǎo icon
B: Lǐ de màn jiù tǎo bú dào lǎopo le!audio icon



A: Shifu, is there still time for a haircut? audio icon
B: You came too late. We're closed. Please come back tomorrow. audio icon
A: Shifu, everyone says that you can give a haircut quickly. Please do me a favour and give me a haircut. audio icon
B: I've done too many today, and am tired. Please come back tomorrow morning. audio icon
A: But there'll be a big event for me tomorrow morning. So just give me a haircut, please. audio icon
B: What big event? audio icon
A: Someone wants to find me a girlfriend. It'll be the first meeting tomorrow. audio icon
B: To meet a girlfriend. That's a nice thing. All right, what kind of style would you like? audio icon
A: Any style would be fine, as long as you don't cut it too short. audio icon
B: How old are you this year, young man? audio icon
A: 28. audio icon
B: 28, and still no girlfriend? audio icon
A: I had one before. She's very pretty. But later she said that I did things too slowly, and ate too fast, then she broke up with me. audio icon
B: Well, you should make a change. That's done, then. Have a look. audio icon
A: Not bad at all, Shifu. A quick job, and a good one. audio icon
B: If I did it too slowly, I would not be able to take a wife. audio icon
