Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 9

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice


At the neighbours




A:啊,是小云啊,快请进,我刚才在打电话呢。audio icon
B:我还以为你们在睡觉呢。audio icon
A:我没睡,你王叔叔在睡觉,他每天中午都睡一觉,来,快坐。audio icon
B:哦,不坐了,这是我妈包的粽子,她让我送给你们尝尝。audio icon
A:快替我谢谢你妈,她知道我爱吃这个。欸,今年的五月节是几号啊?audio icon
B:明天就是五月节,我爸说他明天带我们去城外玩玩。audio icon
A:你们坐火车去吗?audio icon
B:不,开车去,我舅舅在这儿,他有车。audio icon
A:你妈在家作什么呢?audio icon
B:她在看电视,我和我爸在准备明天的东西。audio icon
C:欸,是小云在这儿吗?audio icon
B:哦,王叔叔,打扰您休息了。audio icon
C:没有,没有,我正在作梦呢,梦见我们去农村参观,农民们一定要请我们吃粽子。audio icon



A: À, shì Xiǎo Yún a, kuài qǐng jìn. Wǒ gāngcái zài dǎ diànhuà icon
B: Wǒ hái yǐwéi nǐmen zài shuìjiào icon
A: Wǒ méi shuì, nǐ Wáng shūshu zài shuìjiào, tā měi tiān zhōngwǔ dōu shuì yí jiào, lái, kuài zuò.audio icon
B: Ò, bú zuò le, zhè shì wǒ mā bāo de zòngzi, tā ràng wǒ sòng gěi nǐmen chá icon
A: Kuài tì wǒ xièxie nǐ mā, tā zhīdào wǒ ài chī zhèi ge. Éi, jīnnián de Wǔyuèjié shì jǐ hào a?audio icon
B: Míngtiān jiù shì Wǔyuèjié, wǒ bà shuō tā míngtiān dài wǒmen qù chéng wài wá icon
A: Nǐmen zuò huǒchē qù ma?audio icon
B: Bù, kāichē qù, wǒ jiùjiu zài zhèr, tā yǒu chē.audio icon
A: Nǐ mā zài jiā zuò shénme ne?audio icon
B: Tā zài kàn diànshì, wǒ hé wǒ bà zài zhǔnbeì míngtiān de dō icon
C: Éi, shì Xiǎo Yún zài zhèr ma?audio icon
B: Ò, Wáng shūshu, dǎrǎo nín xiūxi icon
C: Méi yǒu, méi yǒu, wǒ zhèngzài zuòmèng ne, mèngjiàn wǒmen qù nóngcūn cānguān, nóngmínmen yídìng yào qǐng wǒmen chī zò icon



A: Ah, it's Xiao Yun. Please do come in, I was on the phone just now. audio icon
B: I thought you were sleeping. audio icon
A: I wasn't, your Uncle Wang is asleep. He takes a nap everyday at noon. Come on, sit. audio icon
B: Oh, I won't sit down. These are some rice dumplings that my mother made. She asked me to bring them to you to try. audio icon
A: Please say thanks to your mother for me. She knows I like this kind of food. Well, what's the date of this year's May Festival? audio icon
B: Tomorrow is the May Festival. My father said that he would take us out of town on an outing. audio icon
A: Will you go by train? audio icon
B: No, by car. My uncle is here. He has a car. audio icon
A: What's your mother doing at home? audio icon
B: She's watching TV. My father and I are preparing for tomorrow. audio icon
C: Ah, is that Xiao Yun here? audio icon
B: Oh, Uncle Wang, I must have interrupted your rest. audio icon
C: No, no. I was dreaming. I dreamt that we were visiting the countryside, and the villagers insisted on serving us rice dumplings. audio icon
