Answers for the Passive with 被 让 叫 给 Exercises
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. 1. 我的车被偷走了. 2. 我妈妈昨天作的菜都被我们吃完了. 3. 小王写的那几个汉字都被挂在教室的墙上了. 4. 哪条语法被王老师讲得清清楚楚.
Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 你看, 一锅(guō)饭都被吃完了! 2. 房子被整理好了可是花园还跟以前一样糟(zāo). 3. 你的照相机被小王借走了, 不是小李借的. Or 你的照相机是小王借的, 不是小李借的. 4. 桌子上的饭都被他吃完了.我们没有吃到饭.
Translate the following sentences into English. Change the following sentences into 被 sentences, where possible. 1. His novel took three years to write, it has just now been finished. 2. He removed that table into the room. 3. Xiao Li bought four shirts, but all were too small for him to wear. 4. I have finished cooking, let’s eat right away. 5. I called twice, but the call was not put through. 6. Please can you tidy the room? In a little while the guests will be arriving. 7. Can you repair the television for me? 8. She had finished singing two songs, but the audience wanted her to sing another. 1. 他的小说被写了三年, 现在才写好. 2. 那张桌子被他搬进房间里去了.
Make 被sentences with the following information. 1. 苹果都被他一个个地放在桌子上了. 2. 我们都需要的书被老师拿回家去了. 3. 在餐厅最好吃的饭常常被吃完. 4. 那个汉字被小李写错了. 5. 一瓶啤酒都被他喝完了. 6. 花被他女朋友扔到花园里去了. 7. 那本小说被他老师翻译成英文了. 8. 给女朋友的信被他忘在教室里了.