How to create shortcut keys for tone marks in Word

When you are in a Word document

  1. Go to Insert; select Symbol

  2. Find a right letter and click on it once. For example ā

  3. When the letter ā is highlighted, click on Shortcut key

  4. To create the shortcut key for ā: press down Ctrl and then press 1 (for first tone). After that press the letter a on the keyboard

When you have completed the above tasks you should have the shortcut for the letter ā.

Next time, when you are in a Word document, if you press down Ctrl and then press 1. After that, press the letter a on the keyboard , then the letter ā should appear on your document.

You can use the same method to create other vowels with the tone marks. There are only 24 shortcuts for you to make in total.