Chinese paper II


Modern Chinese


June 2002, 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.



Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Sentences 1-6 should be written in abbreviated script, sentences 7-12 in unabbreviated script.

1. Mr. Wang has left his shirt in the bathroom. He asked his son to fetch it for him, as he is busy watching the news on TV.

 2. Although these Chinese cheeses and hams don’t look as nice as British ones, they taste better and are much cheaper.

3. My upstairs neighbour moved out a long time ago. Why don’t you move in? I think the flat is big enough for your family.

4.I didn’t hear what you just said. Could you please say it again, loudly and clearly, so that people sitting in the back can hear you?

5. When I was having a drink with a Chinese friend of mine in a pub yesterday, I saw my Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, coming in with his girlfriend.

6. After carefully hanging two very precious Chinese landscape paintings on the wall, the librarian pointed at them and explained: “These paintings were painted in 1785 …”

7. Your older sister cooks Chinese food extremely well. Her delicious Chinese food that we ate yesterday was really wonderful. Even my boyfriend, who doesn’t like Chinese food, ate a lot.

8. I haven’t eaten Beijing style snacks for over twenty years; I can’t even remember what they taste like. We must go to a snack bar next time we go to Beijing.

9. All the Chinese padded jackets in the department store have been moved by the shop assistants to the house behind the post office, so that customers will not be able to buy any more.

10.My classmate said that it was really annoying. He spent five weeks learning the characters in those classical Chinese texts, but his teacher didn’t test him any of them in the examination.

11.The Chinese student who lives in the dormitory next to you has told me that soon the Beijing Film Institute is going to teach foreigners to play parts in Lao She’s play: Tea House.

12. It was last Wednesday that my teacher, Mr. Wang brought a Chinese trade delegation to the factory to talk to the director of our workshop about producing new tea sets in collaboration with some Chinese factories.





Translate the following passage into English.




一次,我们骑到一条横马路的时候,马丁正准备穿过马路去,没注意到从左边开过来的汽车。司机看到了马丁,马上停住了车。汽车离自行车只有两米,真险啊!司机跳下车来对马丁说:“骑车要注意安全,要骑得慢一点儿,穿马路的时候一定要看清楚左右来往的车辆。” 以后我们穿马路的时候,都很注意看清楚左右来往的车辆。




Taken from Xinhanyu Book II, p. 243




Analyse the following sentences (which must be translated) to show their component clauses and phrases, and state the function of individual words and phrases.


1.  課 文 都 學 完 了 。


2.  請 你 把 書 帶 回 家 去 。


3.  他 現 在 不 是 漢 語 老 師 了 。


4.  我 們 只 有 三 個 人 兩 瓶 酒 就 夠 了。