Faculty of Oriental Studies
Trinity Term 2005
Friday, 19 June 2005, 2:30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
All questions must be answered.
Do not turn over until told that you may do so.
A Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Sentences 1-6 should be written in abbreviated characters and 7-12 should be written in unabbreviated characters.
1. The door is open. Please just put the TV set on the table next to my bed. 2. The new Beijing snack shop round corner is huge! How many people can it seat? 3. The shop assistant slowly put in front of me the ancient Jingdezhen porcelain tea bowl that she had taken from under the counter. 4. You shouldn’t smoke while you are talking to your Chinese teacher. It’s not very polite! 5. Who doesn’t smoke in China? Even 15 year old school girls smoke daily! 6. The sign that was hanging outside the Chinese Department has been taken away by those students who dislike doing modern Chinese literature. 7. It was last April that Mr. Wang flew over to England with a Chinese trade delegation. 8. I can speak a little Chinese. I learned Chinese for a few weeks when I was in Shanghai visiting my uncle last summer. 9. Although the teacher who teaches us Taijiquan swims much faster than I do, he doesn’t walk as quickly. 10. I haven’t been to China. Could you please tell me where the most interesting places are? 11. Last night, apart from writing eighty Chinese characters my classmate Gubo finished translating fifty sentences - but he did forty of them wrong. 12. We are about to start the class. Where are you going now? I have to watch a very important football match now. I must hurry!
B Translate the following passages into English. (New Practical Reader Book II, pages 14-15)
张教授在北京语言学院工作,他很喜欢旅行。他刚从英国回到北京,上海的一个学院请他去上课。这个星期五他去上海了。张教授给那儿的学生上英国文学课,他上课上得非常好,学生都喜欢他的课。 上海是一个大城市,这两年发展得很快。上海的商场很多,商场的东西也非常好,上海人作的衣服很有名。张教授去参观了很多很有名的地方,他买了不少衣服,还买了很多明信片。他的儿子在上海工作,是中国银行的工作人员。星期六儿子请他去吃饭,那个餐厅上海菜作得很好,也不太贵。张教授在上海玩儿得非常好,…一个星期过得真快。 C
Analyse the following sentences (which must be translated) to show their component clauses and phrases, and state the function of individual words and phrases.
1. 书昨天就看完了,今天不用再看了。 2. 别把问题回答错了。 3. 中文系从明天开始不开门了,所以我们都不用去上课了。 4. 我们一共才四、五个人,喝不了多少,叫一瓶茅台就够了。