猖獗 chāngjué be rampant; run wild
岛屿 dǎoyǔ islands and islets
避难所 bì’nànsuǒ refuge; house of refuge
亚齐 Yàqí Aceh province in Indonesia
索马里 Suǒmǎlǐ Somalia
向……看齐 xiàng…kànqí keep up with; emulate
绑架 bǎngjià kidnap
人质 rénzhì hostage
赎金 shújīn ransom money
驻扎 zhùzhā be stationed
苏门答腊 Sūméndálà Sumatra
士气 shìqì morale
财大气粗 cáidà qìcū one has wealth speaks louder than others