超市 chāoshì supermarket
熙熙攘攘 xīxīrǎngrǎng streams of people busily coming and going
客流量 kèliúliàng rate of customer flow
营业额 yíngyèé turnover; volume of business
双休日 shuāngxiūrì weekend
加班 jiābān work overtime; work an extra shift
超市 chāoshì supermarket
熙熙攘攘 xīxīrǎngrǎng streams of people busily coming and going
客流量 kèliúliàng rate of customer flow
营业额 yíngyèé turnover; volume of business
双休日 shuāngxiūrì weekend
加班 jiābān work overtime; work an extra shift