无线 wúxiàn wireless
音轨 yīnguǐ musical track
袖珍 xiùzhēn pocket-size
清晰度 qīngxīdù clarity
豪华 háohuá luxurious; luxury
林林种种 línlínzhǒngzhǒng numerous
不胜枚举 búshèng méijǔ too numerous to mention one by one
无线 wúxiàn wireless
音轨 yīnguǐ musical track
袖珍 xiùzhēn pocket-size
清晰度 qīngxīdù clarity
豪华 háohuá luxurious; luxury
林林种种 línlínzhǒngzhǒng numerous
不胜枚举 búshèng méijǔ too numerous to mention one by one