zhǎng                rise; go up; swell

一旦                yídàn                once; in case

泄漏                xièlòu               leak; leakage

曝光                bàoguāng          be exposed; be known to the public

哗然                huárán              in an uproar; in commotion

舰队                jiànduì              fleet

标榜                biāobǎng          flaunt; advertise; parade

倾倒                qīngdào           dump; pour out

回收                huíshōu            recycle; recycling
质询                zhìxún              address inquiries to; ask for an explanation

布拉德肖       Bùlādéxiāo       Ben Bradshaw

暗示                Ànshì               hint; imply; suggest

捎带       shāodài            take along sth. to or for sb.