Oral Presentation

Week 2: topic-based presentation (Figurative&Imagination)





好像 hǎo xiànɡ to be like; to seem
好比 háo bǐ to be just like; can be compared to
就像 jiù xiànɡ to be just like
to be like; as; as if
如同 rú tónɡ to be like; as
仿佛 fǎnɡ fú as if; to seem
好似 hǎo sì to be like; to seem
像/同……一样 xiànɡ / tónɡ … … yí yànɡ to be like……
仿佛……似的 fǎnɡ fú shì de as if……; to be like……
跟……似的 ɡēn … … shì de to be just like……
同/跟/像……一般 tónɡ / ɡēn / xiànɡ … … yì bān to be just like……
恰似 qià sì to be exactly like……


Reference: Yuan.B & Kan. Q. Developing writing skills in Chinese.2003. London: Routledge.


Exercises: Please try to use figurative expressions to complete sentence 1-3 and translate sentence 4&5 :


1 这里的风景___________________, 美得让人窒息(zhì xī to suffocate;asphyxia; not able to breath)。


2 她___________________,什么都知道。


3 友情___________________,而爱情___________________。


4 Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. (from Forest Gump 1994)


5 Marriage is like a besieged city. People inside want to get out. People outside want to get in. (from 《围城》- 钱钟书)





- 假如地球上只剩下我一个人




- 假如我是一个盲人,我可以得到三天的光明


