MPhil Yr2 Listening 11HT Week 3
answer the following questions in English.
- When and where was this news released?
- How many pages did People’s Daily European Edition (Week One) have?
- Is this newspaper full-colour printed?
- What contents does the newspaper cover? (At least 3 examples)
- What are the main reasons for People’s Daily to have the European Edition?
[Click here to see the original text]
《人民日报海外版欧洲刊》第一期共28版,全部彩色印刷,发行全欧洲。版面设置分别是中国要闻、环球要闻、祖国各地、家乡故里、望海楼(言论)、华人华 侨、海外学子、中医保健、文化中国、文化遗产、中欧外交、中欧财经、中欧文化、军情速览、中国大旅游、万家灯火、读书沙龙等。人民日报发行海外版欧洲刊主要是为了反映我国驻欧洲各国使领馆的政治、经济、文化等国际交流活动,同时宣传报道中资企业、公司及机构在欧洲的工作成就,扩大中资在欧 洲的影响,树立金融、航空、旅游等中资公司、企业在欧洲各国的形象。