MPhil Yr2 Sentence Translation 11HT Week 7


  1. China’s rapid development of ballistic and cruise missile forces弹道导弹和巡航导弹实力 is altering the balance of power in Asia and threatens U.S. forces in a conflict over Taiwan and beyond, according to a forthcoming report.



  1. Yet despite 50 years in exile (流放), the reach of Tibet's spiritual leader has extended far beyond his community and he is now recognised as one of the world's leading religious figures (宗教领袖人物).



  1. Text messaging services(短信服务) have resumed in the Chinese region of Xinjiang, six months after deadly ethnic unrest that left nearly 200 people dead.

[Click here to see the key]




















































































































































































The Key

  1. 据一份即将被提交的报告说:中国弹道导弹和巡航导弹实力的快速增长/发展正改变着亚洲(各)力量的平衡,并威胁美军在台湾问题及其他诸多方面的行动。



  1. 然而,尽管被流放了50年,西藏精神领袖的足迹已经遍布世界各地,远远超出西藏地区。他现在是世界公认的宗教领袖人物之一。



  1. 在造成近200人死亡的极端种族骚乱的6个月后,短信服务已经在中国新疆地区恢复(了)。