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Beijing 2022: Life inside the Winter Olympics bubble

These are the everyday scenes that Olympic athletes, officials and media covering the event will be living with for the next few weeks as the Winter Games get under way in the Chinese capital Beijing.

The 2022 Beijing Games are likely to be the most controlled international sporting event held to date.

The Tokyo Games last year proved that an Olympics could be conducted in a confined space in the age of the coronavirus pandemic. But China - wealthy, powerful and determined - has gone even further to create a vast system designed to ensure a virus-free Games.

Central to the whole plan is the "closed loop" environment - home to an estimated 60,000 athletes, team officials, media, volunteers and more.

The world of the Beijing Games is made up of three main gated "bubble areas" spread over a 160km (100 mile) area.

Each bubble is centred around a sporting venue and is connected via designated travel lanes. They encompass hotels, conference centres, worker dormitories and other facilities.

The BBC teams inside have described what daily life is like inside - attendees have to wear a mask everywhere except their own rooms and when eating, and maintain social distancing.

Everyone also undergoes a PCR deep-throat swab test every day which has to be recorded with the Games' My2022 health app.

"The understanding is that we don't get results unless we test positive. The proverbial no news is good news," says BBC producer Pratiksha Ghildial.

Out of the tens of thousands of people who've arrived so far, authorities have found about 300 cases - less than half in the closed loop.

Infected people are taken into isolation - and allowed to re-join the bubble once they test negative. Chinese officials have specified that their aim isn't zero cases, but zero spread - and so far the system has held up.

"The counter-Covid measures are extraordinary," says Ms Ghildial. "The other day I asked for a little repair in my room and a man in a bio-hazard suit turned up to do it."

Constant vigilance is the overriding theme.

Cleaners are constantly present in communal spaces and there are floor robots moving throughout, spraying disinfectant.

Our reporters note how during press conferences, a volunteer rushes up to wipe the microphone between questions.

At the sleep pods dotted around venues, teams will clean the cabin after someone's finished their nap.

"They provide disposable bedsheets in the cubicles," says another BBC producer, Christine Hah.
