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Chinese Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Technology and
Instructional Use of Technology: A Path Analysis
Language Teachers’ Technology Adoption
Language teachers have been consistently reported as slow to adopt computers and
unlikely to use them productively in language teaching (Li & Walsh, 2011; Yang &
Huang, 2008). Yang and Huang (2008), for example, found that technology-mediated
English teaching behaviors in middle- and high schools in Taiwan were on a
modest level, with most teachers using technology only to prepare their teaching
material. Li and Walsh (2011) examined 400 middle- and high school EFL teachers’
use of technology in Beijing and found that, despite these teachers having an
adequate level of computer literacy and their schools providing access to
computer technology, computer use remained peripheral to their teaching.
Specifically, most teachers only used PowerPoint to present information. A
follow-up study by Li (2014) reported similar results: That is, Chinese EFL
teachers only used technology occasionally to engage their students and meet
their pedagogical needs.
A number of theoretical models, including the aforementioned TRA, TPB, TAM, and
UTAUT, have aimed to account for teachers’ technology adoption or the lack
thereof. In such models, teachers’ technology-adoption behavior is generally a
dependent factor predicted by internal and external variables of the types
discussed earlier. Yet, this can elide the differences between an individual’s
intention to perform a behavior and his or her actual performance of it. For
example, Fishbein and Ajzen (2010, p. 300) pointed out that while their TPB can
account for 50% to 60% of the variance in intentions to perform a given behavior,
its ability to explain the behavior itself is markedly less (30%–40%). Indeed,
teachers’ intentions to use technology in instruction do not often correspond
with their actual technology behavior in the classroom (e.g., Basturkmen, 2012).
Ertmer, Gopalakrishnan, and Ross (2001) also reported that teachers’ enacted
beliefs in technology (i.e., actual classroom technology practice) did not align
with their espoused beliefs in technology (i.e., attitudes and intentions).
Therefore, in contrast to previous models that have focused primarily on
teachers’ intentions to use technology, the present study uses language
teachers’ actual technology practices in their classrooms as the dependent
variable and aims to discover whether the internal and external factors
described earlier can predict such actual practices.