3rd Year Newspaper Reading Week 1 MT04 Topic: Where should the rubbish go Please translate the following passages (364 simplified characters) into English. Your translation should be typed into the box at the bottom of this page. Your name and email address (required): 医疗垃圾处置任务严峻 我国一些地方发生非典型肺炎后,医疗废物、废水的处置成为迫在眉睫的问题,这项工作是防治非典战役的一个重要组成部分。为此,全国人大常委会固体废物污染环境防治法执法检查组专门就医疗废水、医疗废物处置情况在北京召开座谈会,并提出要重视医疗垃圾的处置,切实有效地切断非典的可能传播途径。还建议国家采取有力措施,使各地基础设施建设适应公共卫生防疫事业的需要。 Your work must be submitted by Friday. |