Third Year (*See separate notice for details of language tutorials)History: Please will ALL 3RD YEAR STUDENTS ATTEND A MEETING on the revised set of prescribed texts on TUESDAY AT 9.15 in Room 207. Option texts: this is the time when you choose EITHER a 3-paper Additional Language option (Korean, Tibetan, Japanese), OR a two-paper Chinese Special Texts option (Traditional Fiction, Modern Literature, Society and Politics), which will then also require you to choose a Special Language Paper. Teaching for the one-paper Special Language Paper in Japanese and in Linguistics start this term, so you will need to choose this now. Please enter '+ Japanese' or ‘+ Linguistics’ under your Special Texts choice. For further information please contact Dr. Liu, who will put you in touch with the appropriate tutor. Option texts teaching begin on Tuesday of 1st week. Please see lecture list. Additionally for students doing the option on Modern Chinese politics and society (Dissertations: Please consult the Handbook for Undergraduates Reading Chinese on the Oriental Studies Faculty website. A meeting will be held on Wednesday of 7th Week (22 November) at 3 pm in Room 205 to discuss the requirements for the dissertation and for tutors to outline the possibilities in their fields. Yangzhou shiri ji : Please purchase a copy of these from the office.