长期以来 |
for a long time |
承担责任 |
to bear the responsibility |
安排就业 |
to arrange for employment / to allocate jobs |
高校 |
higher education sector |
扩大招生 |
to increase enrolment rate |
自主就业 |
to find employment |
自主创业 |
to create business |
调查 |
survey |
做出选择 |
to make a choice |
改革 |
reform |
市场经济 |
market economy |
创造条件 |
to create an environment |
介绍经验 |
to introduce good practice |
就业指导与服务中心 |
careers service |
起到作用 |
to play a role |
to explore |
探索 |
potential |
潜qián力 |
factor |
因素 |
background |
背景 |
innovative |
创新 |
accounting |
会kuài计 |
business planning |
商业规划 |
careers fair |
职业推介会 |
work experience |
实习 |
CV |
个人简历 |