致力于 |
to devote oneself to |
带领 |
to lead |
扶贫 |
to provide aid to the less economically developed |
突破 |
breakthrough |
明确 |
clear and definite |
步骤zhòu |
step |
援助 |
aid |
一番 |
a measure word |
评估 |
evaluation |
资金 |
funds |
贪污tānwū |
graft |
消除贫困 |
to eradicate poverty |
助长 |
to encourage; to foster |
腐败fŭbài |
corruption |
战略luè |
strategy |
Millennium Development Goals |
千年发展规划 |
focus |
核心 |
investment |
投资 |
misunderstanding |
误解 |
single |
单一的 |
global |
全球性 |
to dictate |
指挥、命令 |
to focus |
集中注意力 |
auditor |
审shĕn计人员 |
make… quantitative |
给…定量 |
reality |
现实 |
to undertake |
承担 |