不可再生        bù kě zàishēng           not renewable

                     hòu                           post-; after

刘建生            Liú Jiànshēng             personal name

撰写                zhuànxiě                    write

物理学            wùlǐxué                      physic

能量                néngliàng                   energy

寿命                shòumìng                   life-span; life; lifetime

导言                dǎoyán                      introduction

正文                zhèngwén                  main body; text

纲要                gāngyào                    outline

思路                sīlù                            train of thought; thinking; mentality

附录                fùlù                            appendix

核心                héxīn                         core; centre; key

适度                shìdù                         appropriate; moderate

前提                qiántí                         premise; prerequisite

物尽其用       wù jìn qí yòng            make the best use of everything; make the most of things