humanity |
人文学 |
according to my knowledge |
据我所知 |
formidable |
艰巨 |
moral |
道德 |
courageous |
有勇气 |
to admit |
承认 |
PhD student |
博士研究生 |
feminist |
女权主义者 |
的确 |
indeed |
线索 |
clues (for finding subjects to study) |
发出自己的声音 |
to express oneself |
途径 |
channel |
只不过 |
no more than |
倾向 |
orientation; tendency |
至于 |
as for |
干涉 |
to interfere; interfere |
违法 |
to against the law |
相关 |
relevant |
条文 |
article |
合理 |
reasonable |
标志 |
symbol |
使命 |
mission |
流派 |
school |
主张 |
to advocate; advocate |
贬义词 |
derogatory term |