3rd Year Listening Comprehension
Topic 转基因食品有利又有弊
Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)
Please answer the following questions
1 一年前,布莱尔对转基因食品的态度是什么?
2 一年后,布莱尔对转基因食品又有什么态度?
3 根据布莱尔所说,转基因食 品的益处有哪些?
4 英国政府将何时开始商业种植转基因食品?
Click here to read the instruction for the exercise
Listen in whole: listen (slow) listen (fast)
Listen in chunks: 1 listen (slow) 2 listen (slow) 3 listen (slow)
1 listen (fast) 2 listen (fast) 3 listen (fast)
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