中专生 | zhōng zhuān shēng | short for 中等专科学院学生 secondary specialized school students, |
板凳 | bǎn dèng | wooden bench or stool |
替补 | tì bǔ | substitute (i.e., in the football match) |
锄头 | chú tou | pickaxe |
一贫如洗 | yì pín rú xǐ | penniless, (so poor as if has been washed) |
三轮 | sān lún | pedicab |
目睹 | mù dǔ | see with one's own eyes |
抹布 | mā bù | rag (to wipe things with) |
招聘 | zhāo pìn | to advertise a job vacancy or to take on applicants of a job vacancy |
社会分工 | shè huì fēn gōng | division of labor in society |
门槛 | mén kǎn | threshold |
人满为患 | rén mǎn wéi huàn | overcrowded with people |
万马齐喑 | wàn mǎ qí yīn |
喑-to be dumb ten thousand horses standing mute |
转轨 | zhuǎn guǐ | to be in transition (changing the track) |
优胜劣汰 | yōu shèng liè tài |
汰-淘汰 to eliminate survival for the fittest |
荒谬 | huāng miù | absurd |
供需 | gōng xū | supply and demand |
过剩 | guò shèng | excess, surplus, redundant |