Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
University of Oxford

3rd Year Listening Comprehension

Topic 英国地方选举 执政党遭遇35年最大挫败

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Please answer the following questions

1 如果利文斯通败选,将意味着什么?

2 哪些数据显示这次选举是工党

3 据估计,工党的选举情况受什么影响


4 这次英格兰、威尔士和伦敦的选举情况如何?


5 近年来英国选举情况如何?


Click here to read the instruction for the exercise


Listen in whole: listen

Listen in chunks:   1listen   2listen   3listen


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