熟悉 to be familiar with
肯定 definite; sure
细节 detail
治安 security
经费 funds
调整 to adjust
树立信心 to build up confidence
描写 to describe
怀疑 to doubt
适合 to be suitable
election campaign 竞选活动
to take charge of 承担
in office 任职
to recruit 聘pìn
no shortage of people 不乏fá其人
to face 正视
talent 天赋fù
originality 创造力
drive 魄pò
budget 预算
reputation 名声
humorous 诙谐huīxié;幽默
to bring...together 把 ...凝聚níngjù起来
to underestimate 低估
diversity 多元
to glory in... 以...为骄傲
to be honest 坦率shuài地讲