帕特里斯·伊尔     Pàtèlǐsī Yīěr          Patrice IL

依存                     yīcún                    depend/rely on sb. or sth. for existence

发动机                 fādòngjī                engine

逆差                     nìchā                     adverse balance of trade; trade deficit

国债                     guózhài                 national debt; government loan

债券                     zhàiquàn                bond; debenture; debenture share

借题发挥             jiètí fāhuī               seize upon a pretext/subject-matter and make exaggerations/a fuss

蓄意                     xùyì                      deliberately; intentionally

马丁·费尔德斯坦 Mǎdīng Fèiěrdésītǎn     Martin Feldstein

外汇储备            wàihuì chǔbèi         foreign currency reserve

累加                    lěijiā                       accumulation; summation

吉姆·特里蓬    Jímù Tèlǐpéng        Jim Trippon