MPhil 2nd Year Assignments TT09
Readings | Translation | Homework | Oral presentation | Listening compreh. | |
W1 | 中国击落卫星遭围堵 美国猎星西方为何沉默? |
One small step for Zhai, one giant leap into the space race for China |
Topics for W1 and 2 | 不要和中国搞太空军备赛 | |
W2 | 法驻华大使:“西方须了解西藏现实” |
U.K. Policy Angers Tibet Ahead of Beijing Talks |
中国欢迎英国承认西藏属中国领土 | 西藏招考大学生村官 | |
W3 | |||||
W4 | |||||
W5 | |||||
W6 | |||||
W7 | |||||
W8 |