MPhil Year 2 Listening 11TT Week 3




Please answer the following questions in English.


  1. What is the theme of the ‘Women and Green Economy’ activity?
  2. What is the population of the women in the world? How much consumption do women make globally?
  3. Why does Earth Day Network want to establish a new organization, called ‘Women and Green Economy’?
  4. When and where was the ‘Women and Green Economy Forum’ held?
  5. Which three topics were discussed in the forum?


[Click here to see the original text]










































































































































































































































The original text




 国际环保组织Earth Day Network表示,女性占世界人口一半以上,主导85%的消费选择,是领导全球走向可持续性发展的关键力量。他们在考虑成立一个叫女性与绿色经济的组织,希望聚集有潜力和成功的女性,透过发展绿色经济走向可持续性环境发展、解决全球变暖问题。

