Third year language assignments for TT 2016


  Interpreting Prose translation
W 1 China-Taiwan Relationship What’s behind Beijing’s drive to control the South China Sea?
W 2 Democracy Historic meeting of Chinese and Taiwanese presidents prompts hope and suspicion
W 3 An interview Nobel laureate Gao Xingjian: 'I've had three lives'
W 4 Popular Culture Philip Pullman: Why I love comics
W 5 Increase of enrolment in Chinese universities China's top universities will rival Oxbridge, says Yale president
W 6 Threat or Opportunity? Week 6 translation Cultural Revolution reduced to footnote as communist party says china has moved on
W 7 Living in a multicultural society John Major’s attack was fun. But remain can’t win a Brexit popularity contest
W 8 Food Price BHS scandal: an overhaul of company law is needed to curb greedy owners