Lesson Seventeen B

I am really happy






We have learned yŏu have, there is/are in Lesson 3. But in this lesson, yŏuis used in the comparative construction to indicate that something is as (stative verb) as something else. For instance,

a. zhèli yŏu nàil lĕng ma ?

这里 那里

here as there cold MA?

Is this place as cold as that place?

The answers should be yŏu yes or méiyou 没有no.

b. nĭde nǚ péngyou yŏu tā de nǚ péngyou hăo ma ?

    你的 朋友 他的 女朋友

     your girlfriend as his girlfriend good MA?

    Is your girl friend as good as his?

The answers are yŏu yes, or méiyou no.

Translate the following into English.

wŏ méi you lăoshī m

áng .

   有 老师

nĭ méi yŏu shuí máng ?





forecast, prediction

in advance report




[indicates sth. is going to take place]

going to

We have learned yào in Lesson 5 as want. However, yàoin this lesson is used as a modal verb. A modal verbs is like an auxiliary verb and is placed before main verbs. It indicates that something is going to take place soon.

wŏ sān diăn yào kàn Zhào lăoshī .  nĭ

yĕ qu ma ?

  三   要   看   赵    老师。你 吗?

I three o’clock are going to see Zhao teacher you also go MA

I am going to see Teacher Zhao at 3 o’clock. Are you going too?




to rain

fall rain

This is a V-O pattern phrase. In fact, xià means to fall and yŭ means rain. To snow is xià fall + xuĕsnow.




must/have to

have to

It is used as a modal verb and is placed before a verb to indicate something must be done.

xiànzài shì wănshang 10 diăn le, wŏ dĕi zŏu le .

现在   是 晚上        十点 了,我 了。

now is evening 10 o’clock LE, I have to go LE

Now it is 10 p.m., I must go.

wŏ dĕi    qù chīfàn.

    去 吃饭

I have to go eat meal

I must go for dinner.





rain umbrella





[a sigh of sadness or regret]


It is an interjection. It implies tone of unwillingness.


Can you remember all the words that we have just learned? Let’ listen to the today’s dialogue and see how much you can understand.

         wéikăi,  wŏ zhēn gāox

ìng. jīntiān tiānqi    bĭ zuótiān hăo.


   高兴。 今天 天气     比 昨天   好!

Vicky    I really   happy    Today weather BI yesterday good

Vicky, I am really happy. Today’s weather is better than yesterday.

b. shì. jīntiān shì qíngtiān. tàiyang chūlai le.

             是。今天 晴天, 太阳 来了。

             yes, today   is fine day,  sun out come LE

            Yes. It is sunny today. The sun has come out.

            dànshi, zhèli gēn Bĕijīng bù yí yàng. tiānqi   jīngcháng biànhuà.


这里 北京 一样。 天气    经常       变化。

             but,      here with Beijing not same weather often      change

            The weather here is different from Beijing and it is often changeable.

a. zhèli yĕ yŏu chūn,      xià,      qiū,       dōng   sì    jì        ma ?


 春,        夏,       秋,      冬      四   季       吗?

    here also has spring, summer, autumn winter four season MA

   Are there four seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter here?

          b. yŏu. dànshi zhèli de dōngtiān méiyou Bĕijīng lĕng.

               有。但是 这里 冬天     没有     北京 冷。

               yes,   but    here DE winter     not Beijing cold

              Yes, but it’s not as cold as it in Beijing.

         a. jīnni

án dōngtiān wŏ zài zhèli.   tiānqi bù lĕng ,    nà tài hăo le.

             今年   冬天     我 这里。天气 冷,   那 了。

             this year winter  I am   here   weather not cold, that extremely good

            I’ll be here this winter. It’s great, if it isn’t cold.

         b Wáng Yīng, nĭ tīng tiānqi         yùbào     le ma ?

            王 英,       天气         预报     了 吗?

          Wang Ying,   you listen weather forecast LE MA

           Wang Ying, have you heard the weather forecast?

         a. méi tīng . zĕmeyàng ?

             没 听。 怎么样?

            not listen. how

            No, what is it?

         b. xiàwŭ      yào xià yŭ .

   下午        雨。

   afternoon will fall rain

  It is going to rain in the afternoon.

a. ài. wŏ dĕi           ná yŭsăn .

            唉,我          拿 雨伞。

            Oh,  I    have to bring rain umbrella

           Oh, I have to bring an umbrella.


1. Repeat after me the above dialogue and prepare to answer the following questions.

1. Wéikăi wèi shénme gāox

ìng ?

     维凯    为 什么     高兴

2. jīntian tiānqi zĕnmey

àng ?

     今天 天气 怎么样?

3. zhèli de tiānqi gēn Bĕijīng yíyàng ma ?

   这里 天气 北京     一样 吗?

4. năli de   tiānqi jīngcháng biànhuà?

   哪里 天气 经常      变化

5. sìjì shi shénme ?

    四季 什么

6. dōngtiān, Bĕijīng lĕng háishi zhèli lĕng ?

     冬天, 北京       还是 这里 冷?

7. jīnnián dōngtiān , Wáng Yīng zài zhèli ma ?

     今年   冬天         在 这里

2. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue and pay attention to the tones and the sounds you feel hard to pronounce well.

3. Talk about the weather in your hometown in Chinese to your classmates.

Tape version

Part one: new words

1. 维凯 Wéikăi Vicky
2. zhēn really
3. 高兴 gāoxìng happy, pleased
4. 天气 tiānqì weather
5. 晴天 qíngtiān sunny day
6. 太阳 tàiyang sun
7. 出来 chūlai come out
8. 但是 dànshì but
9. gēn and, with
10. 一样 yíyàng same
11. 经常 jīngcháng often
12. 变化 biànhuà change
13. chūn spring
14. dōng winter
15. 四季 sìjì four seasons
16. 预报 yùbào forecast
17. 下午 xiàwŭ afternoon
18. 下雨 xiàyŭ rain
19. ài Oh (a sigh of sadness or regret)
20. děi have to, must
21. 雨伞 yŭsăn umbrella
22. lěng cold

Part two: expressions

A today weather compare yesterday good Today’s weather is better than yesterday.
B here’s winter not Beijing cold It’s not as cold as it in Beijing.
C this BEN dictionary and that BEN dictionary same This dictionary and that dictionary are the same.
D Beijing and London not same Beijing is not the same as London.

Part three: conversation

a. Vicky I really happy today weather BI yesterday good Vicky, I am really happy. Today’s weather is better than yesterday.
b. yes today is sunny day sun come out LE Yes. It is sunny today. The sun has come out.
  but here and Beijing not same weather often change The weather here is different from Beijing and it is often changeable.
a. here also has spring summer autumn winter four seasons MA Are there four seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter here?
b. there are, but here’s winter not Beijing cold Yes, but it’s not as cold as it in Beijing.
a. this year winter I am in here weather not cold then extremely good LE I’ll be here this winter. It’s great, if it isn’t cold.
b. Wang Ying you listen weather forecast LE MA Wang Ying, have you heard the weather forecast?
a. haven’t listen how No, what is it?
b. afternoon will rain It is going to rain in the afternoon.
a. Oh I have to take umbrella Oh, I have to bring an umbrella.