Grammar L25-A:


Whenis placed before a verb (action verb), it could mean ‘more’ referring to the object of the verb (the noun after the verb)

e.g. 我多买了一个。 - I bought one more or I bought one extra.

 你们要多吃,才能长高呢。- Only if you need to eat more, you will grow taller.

 他得多锻炼,他现在看起来不太好。- He needs to do more exercise, he does not look well now.


When is placed before a stative verb (an adjective), it could mean ‘how’ referring to the extent that the stative verb/adjective embodies

e.g. 他的花儿多美呀!- How beautiful is his flower!

  从你的家去我的家,多远!- How far is it from your house to mine?

  多好的人呀! - How good a person (he/she is)!



a.       To give a lift to someone

e.g. 你爱人每天送你上班吗?- Does your wife/husband give you a lift to work everyday? or Does your wife/husband walk you to work everyday?

b.      To deliver

e.g. 我在网上买东西,他们会送来吗?- If I buy stuff from the internet, will they deliver?

c.       To give (as a present)

e.g. 他生日的时候,他的朋友送他一本他喜欢的书。- On his birthday, his friend gave him a book that he likes as a gift.



a.       To arrive

e.g. 你们什么时候到北京? 


b.      (to the end pointing of time, place, number, etc, could be used as a co-verb or a resultative complement)

e.g. 从这儿到那儿很远。- It is far from here to there.

  到9点我们回家。- Until 9, we will return home.

  从这儿走到那儿,好不好?Walk from here to there, ok?

  他们吃到饭店都关门了。They eat (so long) until the restaurant is closed.

  他算到第五个。He calculated to the fifth.

c.       (used as a resultative complement to indicate attainment)

e.g. 你看到那个名人了吗?- Have you seen the celebrity?

 你买到那个难买的电影票了吗?- Have you got the movie ticket that is really difficulty to get?



4.      了 liăo

When is pronounced, it is used as a complement to verbs to indicate either completion or capabilities in a potential complement to stress that the action can or cannot be done.

e.g. 太多了,我吃不了。It's too much, I cannot eat them all.

       我知道他来不了。I know he can’t come.

    今天是到不了liăoleWe can’t be there today (the le indicates a change from the original plan which was to arrive today)