Lesson Twenty-eight A
What subject would you like to study
Basic expressions
Before going to China to study in a Chinese university, many people would like to know the expected Chinese language standard and other relevant information. Let’s learn the new words in the conversation first.
1. |
chén |
陈 |
[A common surname in China] |
Chen |
2. |
dàwèi |
大 卫 |
David |
big defend |
3. |
xīwàng |
希 望 |
hope, possibility |
hope |
wŏ xīwàng nĭ bāngzhù wŏ
a. 我 希望 你 帮 助 我 。
I hope you help me
I hope you to help me.
tā bu xīwàng míngtiān qù
b. 他 不 希望 明天 去。
he not hope tomorrow go
He doesn’t want to go tomorrow.
tā yŏu xīwàng qù zhōngguó gōngzuò nĭ méiyou xīwàng.
c. 她 有 希望 去 中 国 工作。 你 没 有 希 望。
she has possibility go China work you not have possibility
It’s possible for her to work in China, but not you.
4. |
jìnxiū |
进 修 |
do a further study, to take a fresh course |
advance study |
5. |
zhuānyè |
专 业 |
special field of study, specialized subject |
special course of study |
6. |
sānshíduō zhŏng |
三十多 种 |
over 30 kinds of … |
3 ten more type |
duō多 can be placed after a number or measure word to indicate an approximate number, as in
a. èrbăi duō rén 二百多人 over 200 people
b. wŭbăiwŭshí duō rén 五百五十多人 over 550 people
c. zhŏng 种 kind, type - used as a measure word.
d. sān zhŏng zìdiăn 三种字典3 kinds of dictionary
e. liăng zhŏng rén 两种人 2 types of people
7. |
yǔyán |
语 言 |
language |
language word |
8. |
wénxué |
文 学 |
literature |
script subject of study |
9. |
lìshǐ |
历 史 |
history |
experience history |
10. |
yìshù |
艺 术 |
arts |
Art skills |
11. |
jīngjì |
经 济 |
economics |
economics |
12. |
fǎlǜ |
法 律 |
law |
law pattern |
13. |
shùxué |
数 学 |
mathematics |
number subject of study |
14. |
huàxué |
化 学 |
chemistry |
transform subject of study |
15. |
wùlǐ |
物 理 |
physics |
material theory |
16. |
xiàndài |
现 代 |
modern |
present period |
17. |
cōngming |
聪明 |
clever, bright, wise |
clear |
tā hĕn cōngming hĕn kuài jiù huì yòng hànyŭ dă diànhuà
a. 他 很 聪明 , 很 快 就 会 用 汉语 打 电话。
he very clever very quickly then able use Chinese make phone call
He is very clever and he will know how to make phone call in Chinese very quickly.
tā bu cōngming xiànzai hái bu huì shuō zài jiàn
b. 她 不 聪明, 现在 还 不 会 说 ‘再见’。
she not clever now still not able speak “bye”
She is not bright and she still can’t say ‘good-bye’.
18. |
xiāngxìn |
相信 |
believe, trust |
believe |
wŏ xiāngxìn ni
a. 我 相信 你。
I believe you.
wŏ xiāngxìn nĭ yídìng qù
b. 我 相信 你 一定 去。
I believe you certainly go
I believe you will certainly go.
wŏ xiāngxìn nĭ yídìng bāngzhù tā
c. 我 相信 你 一定 帮助 她。
I believe you certainly help her
I believe that you will definitely help her.
wŏ xiāngxìn nĭ yídìng bāngzhù tā xuéxí hànyŭ
d. 我 相信 你 一定 帮助 她 学习 汉语。
I believe you certainly help her learn Chinese
I believe that you will definitely help her to study Chinese.
19. |
wèntí |
问 题 |
problem, issue, question |
ask topic |
tā xuéxí yŏu wèntí
a. 他 学习 有 问题 。
he study has problem
He has problems in his study.
shéi yŏu wèntí qĭng wèn
b. 谁 有 问题 ? 请 问。
who has questions please ask
Whoever has questions please ask.
20. |
jiějué |
解 决 |
solve |
dissalve decide |
wŏ néng jiějué zhè ge w?nt?
a. 我 能 解决 这 个 问题。
I can solve this GE problem
I can solve this problem.
b. nà ge wèntí hĕn nán jiějué
那 个 问题 很 难 解决。
that GE problem very difficult solve
That problem is very difficult to solve,
21. |
jiǎngxuéjīn |
奖 学 金 |
scholarship |
reward study fund |
We learned nán 难 difficult, hard and shuō说 to speak in Lesson 12.
22. |
nán… |
难… |
difficult to… |
difficult |
The combination of these two characters 难说 nánshuō means hard to say. 难 n?n can be followed by a verb. It means difficult to… awful to… as in,
难看 nánkàn hard to look at (ugly), difficult to read
难听 nántīng unpleasant to listen
Please work out the meanings of the following expressions.
难吃 nánchī
难学 nánxué
难懂 nándŏng
好 hăo good, nice. It can be used in the similar way as nán. When 好 hăo good is followed by a verb, it means nice to..., easy to … For instance,
好看 hăokàn nice to look at (beautiful)
好听 hăotīng nice to listen to
好吃 hăochī nice to eat
好学 hăoxué easy to learn
好懂 hăodŏng easy to understand
23. |
kùnnán |
困 难 |
difficult, difficulty |
trapped difficulty |
zhōngwén hĕn nán ma
a. 中文 很 难 吗?
Chinese very difficult MA
Is Chinese very difficult?
wŏ yŏu hĕn duō kùnnán
b. 我 有 很 多 困难。
I have very many difficulties
I have many problems.
容易 róngyi easy
zhè kè róngyi nà kè kùnnán
c. 这 课 容易, 那 课 困难。
this lesson easy, that lesson difficult
This lesson is easy, that one is difficult.
24. |
liánxì |
联系 |
contact, get in touch with |
contact |
wŏmen yĭhou duō liánxì.
a. 我们 以后 多 联系。
we in future more contact
We should contact more with each other in the future.