Lesson Twenty  Daily life

1.     Wǒmen chī fāngbiàn miàn.Play Media

        we         eat instant    noodles

        We ate instant noodles.


2.     Fāngbiànmiàn   de   jiāotóu   shì yùmǐ,        niúròu wánzi,  dòuyá            hé   húluóbo Play Media

     instant noodles DE toppings are sweet corn beef meatballs bean sprouts and carrots

     The toppings for the instant noodle  are sweet corn, beef meatballs, bean sprouts and carrots.



3.     Women zhèr de  fāngbiàn     diàn cóng zǎoshàng qī diǎn kāimén      dào wǎngshang shíèrdiǎn guānmén.Play Media

    our       place DE convenient shop from morning 7 am     open door until evening     12 pm     close door.

    The convenient store in our area opens at 7 am and closes at 12 pm.

4.     Yǒu shéme xīnwén?Play Media

     have what news

     Do you have any news?

5.     Women yòu zhǎole yíge chúshī.Play Media

     we again find LE a GE chef

     We have found another chef.

6.     Tā zuò   fàn     zuò    de  hěn hao.Play Media

     he cook dishes cook DE very well

     He cooks very well

7.     Shúi miànshì   le tā?Play Media

     who interview LE him

     Who interviewed him?


8.     Wǒ de lǎobǎn miànshì  le    tā.Play Media

     my      boss    interview LE him

     My boss interviewed him.

9.     Dāngdì de   jīròu             bǐ           chāoshì       de  guìPlay Media

     local     DE chicken meat compare supermarket DE expensive

     The local chicken meat is more expensive than the one in supermarkets.

10. Tā de xiàngmù zuò de hěn   hǎo.Play Media

     her     project   do  DE very well

     She does her project very well.

11. Hēi    sè       shì yí ge  hěn   qíguài  de gàiniàn.Play Media

     black colour is   a  GE very strange DE concept

     Using black colour is a strange concept.