Set 11 Listening comprehension

Based on Set 6 昨天我跟我男朋友一块儿去饭店吃饭。那个饭店的糖醋鱼很便宜也很好吃。饭店也有法国牛肉。我男朋友喜欢吃法国牛肉, 我们吃了很多牛肉,也不贵。那个饭店没有法国汤,只有中国汤。我们都喝中国酸辣汤。
1. Who did I go out to have meal with yesterday?
2. What is the tasty dish in that restaurant?
3.  Why did we eat beef? Was it expensive?
4. What kind of soup did the restaurant have?
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Based on Set 8 我喜欢吃咸的, 可是我男朋友喜欢吃甜的。 星期天我们吃了很多甜的。我们吃了饭就去看电影。那个电影是中国电影。中国电影不好看。 看了电影我们一起去商店买衣服裤子。我喜欢绿裤子,我男朋友喜欢黄裤子。晚上我在家作作业。
1. Who liked eating what?
2. Describe what I did on Sunday.
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Based on Set 10 我每天很早起床,起床以后作作业,吃早饭。七点我上汉语课。 我每天上午都有课。下课以后,中午12点我和我朋友一块儿吃午饭。下午我没有课,我常常去商店买书买笔。在法国买书很贵。我喜欢在中国买书。中国的书不贵。
1. Describe what I do before lunch.
2. What do I often do in the afternoon?
3. Where can one get cheep books?
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