Examination Timetables for Stand Alone Chinese Language Papers TT 2010

Subfucs must be worn for both written and oral Exams.

The written examinations will take place at the Examination Schools.


For those who are not taking the examinations at the Examination Schools, the examinations will take place at the Institute for Chinese Studies


Monday 14th June 14.30-17:00 Basic Chinese Language Paper
Tuesday 15th June 9.30-12:00 Intermediate Chinese Language Paper
Tuesday 15th June 14.30-17:00 Lower Intermediate Chinese Language Paper
Tuesday 15th June 14.30-17:00 Upper Intermediate Chinese Language Paper

The oral examinations
For all students, the Oral examinations will take place in Room 204 at the Institute for Chinese Studies with Room 206 as the holding room for the speaking part. All students will need to arrive at the holding room no later than the starting time of the speaking part, and can only leave the room when called by the examiners, and are not allowed to return to the room afterwards. There will be an invigilator in the holding room.

Friday 18th June

10  Intermediate
10:30 Upper Intermediate
16:00 Lower Intermediate


11-12 Intermediate
12-13:30  Upper Intermediate

14:30-16:00   Beginner
16:10-16:30   Lower Intermediate