Third tone with other tones

When a third tone is followed by a first, second, fourth or neutral tone, the third tone should be pronounced as a low third tone. In other words it is a low sustained tone, as in jĭnzhāng and jiĕfàng.  Both jĭn and jiĕ stay in the lower part of your voice and you dont move the sound up. Lets practise the following phrases.


făguān  guănggào  pĭndé  xĭhuān  huŏchē  hăibào  qĭchuáng  bĭjì  tĭzhì  hăoxiàng  xiăohái  hăixiān


zácăo  dădiànhuà  zhĭzhāng  dàsăochú  xĭxùn  qízhemă  xiăobān  qĭdezăo  ménkŏu  hěnhăokàn